FLEX: Parent Coaching
“Your child isn’t your replica… Your child is your upgraded replacement.”
No one has to tell you how hard being a parent can be. You are your own unique individual, with hopes, and fears, and goals of you own… And you are a parent, who is charged with raising, and protecting, and helping another being with their own hopes, fears, and goals. That is a lot of responsibility, and takes a great deal of energy. Plus, every single kid is different. They each have different personalities, quirks, brain chemistries, world views, etc, regardless of how we try to steer them.
So what if incorporating that knowledge into how we approach parenting is the key to being a successful parent? What if raising a happy, motivated, and confident kid is less about the idea of what parenting should look like, and what being a well behaved kid should look like, and more about tailoring parenting to the individual?
FLEX is all about being limber and being observant. Understanding that your child CAN’T be anything other than what they are at any, and every given moment, because they are changing at any, and every single moment. Literally, their cells are reproducing at a far faster rate than yours, and they are taking in new knowledge in far greater abundance than you are. We often demand from our children that which they are not yet prepared to deliver: Consistency.
The key is to recognize this, and to accept that your child will never be you. That is a good thing. They are the model 2.0. The next gen, capable of further evolving. But they will only achieve their potential if you, the parent, fully honor it. The schools can’t. They aren’t built that way. The work place rarely does. They don’t exist for your child, and in their mind, your child exits to serve the work. If every one of us has something special and unique within, then it is each parents job to help their child discover and manifest that greatness. That Personal Potential.
How? Let’s begin…